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自己尝试听写06凉宫第三集英文版开头的 长门与阿虚的对话。








发帖: 94
SOS币: 817
注册: 2010-02-12
访问: 2014-02-24

发表于 2010/05/23 | 编辑

猜你喜欢: 英国 品牌 捷豹


[Camera 01A]
Kyon: "You're...an alien..."
Nagato: "My mission is to observe Haruhi Suzumiya and report the information back to the Data Integration Thought Entity. I've been performing this test daily since my creation three years ago. It has been quite peaceful and there have been no uncertain factors. However, the regularities have appeared near Haruhi Suzumiya which cannot be ignored, that would be YOU."
[Opening Song]
[Camera 01B]
Nagato: "To the Data Integration Thought Entity, the third planet in the solar system, this planet held no special value. However, the current inhabitants of Earth, as it is known by your kind, developed the (?) of ability that could be considered intelligence. Consequently, the significance of the planet increased. There was the possibility that your kind might provide an answer in your fore coming the (?) evolution the Entity is (?). Throughout the universe, it is common for organic life forms to develop unconsciousness. Human beings from Earth were the only creatures whose unconsciousness is evolved into (?). The Entity carefully yet thoroughly continued these observations. Three years ago, they noticed (?)(?)(?) but data on the surface of the planer. This explosion of information started from one area of a (?)…(?) ago, then quickly enveloped the entire planet in search for the (?) into space. In the center above these words, for the three years since multiple investigations in observations have occurred regarding Haruhi Suzumiya. However, she remains an (?). Regardless, one section of the Entity, continues to perform its analysis of Haruhi Suzumiya, the Entity believe she would be the key to human kinds alter revolution as well as its own. Because the Entity, the (?) being, and cannot directly communicate with organic life forms, the Entity does not communicate to language and your kind has no way of communicating without language. That is why the Data Integration Thought Entity created interfaces such as myself, for me it could make contact with the human species."
Kyon: “Uh…”
Nagato: “We’ve belief that Haruhi Suzumiya has the potential for all-term revolution, she has she power to (?) the environmental data around her for her benefit. That is the reason why I am here, and the reason you are here.”
Kyon: ”Hold it, just hang on a sec., I’m totally lost.”
Nagato: “Trust me.”
Kyon: “OK. First of all, why me? I mean for a starter, let’s just say I believe all this stuff you are tellin’ me about this Data Integrated (?)…(?) thing in space, but if it is true why have you (?) me?”
Nagato: “You have been chosen by Haruhi Suzumiya, whether she knows it or not, Haruhi Suzumiya has the power to affect her surroundings by transforming her will into absolute data. There is a reason she chose you rather than someone else.”
Kyon: “No way.”
Nagato: “Way! You and Haruhi Suzumiya have the possibilities in your hands.”
Kyon: “You’re serious about all this.”
Nagato: “Of course.”

Here I am amazed that the silent one of a (?) started to talking, for the stuff that was coming out of her mouth was completely wacko, but I never imagines she’d be so out there.

Kyon: “You know, you’d really make Haruhi (?) if you want up her personally (?) all this stuff. Hate to say it, but I haven’t have time keeping up on this kind of talk, it’s so confusing.”
Nagato: “The Data Integration Thought Entity is under the impression that of Haruhi Suzumiya as made aware of her worth and her abilities. It would create catastrophic event. From now, we must continue our observations on (?) to her.”
Kyon: “Okay, but I could run out right now? (?) Haruhi, everything you just explained to me.”
Nakato: “She does not take the information you feed her seriously.”
Kyon: “That’s true.”
Nakato: “I am not the only interface that the Data Integration Thought Entity has placed upon this planet. Another section of the Entity is determined to use more (?) of methods with Haruhi Suzumiya in order to observe the (?) of data. You are the key to Haruhi Suzumiya. If there is danger, you are the first target.”

Um…I’m out at there.
[Camera 02]
Kyon: “Humanoid inter…what? Aliens…huh…”

She’s always by herself reading this stuff. Maybe that’s where weird fantasies come from. I’ll bet that when she’s in class she doesn’t talk to anybody. She’d just stay (?) up her own little world. Yuki and Haruhi (?) just chill out than join some (?)…(?) ordinary school life.
[Camera 03]
Haruhi: “I can’t believe it! He’s finally here! Guess is it amazing? A mysterious transfer student! It’s gotta be!”


[ 此贴被霧塚リン在2010-05-25 16:57重新编辑 ]






美女离线 情不知所起,一往情深


发表于 2010/05/23 | 编辑
0.0 高手   我是英语脑残..

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